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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Little artists

So my kids have been drawing a ton lately, and I am constantly amazed at the talent that comes out of those little fingers. I just love it! Here are a couple of examples:

this is a picture Gus drew of himself running in the trees. I love that he has boots on.

This is the first face that Max ever drew about 2 months ago. You should see his pictures now!
Again, turn your head sideways!

This is a picture of Gus fighting bad guys. They are all wearing helmets for protection

Here is how Gus chose to display all of his pictures...all over my bed, but if you click on it so you can view it larger, it is really fun to see.

My 5 year old man

So Gus turned 5 back in February, and I always thought moms with 5 year olds were old. What the heck? I'm not old, but I do have a five year old son. I just keep thinking. I am already 1/4 of the way done with the time I have to be responsible for him. Anyway, we had a kickin party, complete with pulling off my couch cushions and jumping on them. I really didn't plan much, so the kids made their own fun.

Here is Gus eating breakfast in bed. Him and his dad ate in bed together because they share a birthday. Isn't that cool that our oldest son was born on Paul's birthday, and he is named after him (Gus's full name is Paul Augustus Fox)
Here are some of the super fun kids at the party. I love all these kids. What a great day!

Dead Wrong

Okay, so I said Gus had no natural ability in the area of bike riding, and I think he has officially proved me wrong. All I had to do is let go. I thought that I should hold on to his shirt until I could feel that he had his balance. Apparently, the only way he could learn to balance on his own was to be riding on his own. So all I had to do was give him a big push and let go, and he figured the rest out all by himself. All the frustration of trying to explain things to him was worthless. He just had to do it. Being a mom really rocks my world. It is so amazing to watch these little people grow and learn. I don't even want to think about teaching him how to drive a stick shift. Oh, please Lord, grant me patience! Here is a video of day two without training wheels. Rock on Gus!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I tried to teach Gus how to ride a bike with out training wheels today, and I had to keep fighting the urge not to push his bike over and yell at him. I can't believe how frustrated I was getting with it. He has no natural ability in this area. Give him a hammer and nails or a pen and a paper and he will whip out something amazing, but put him on a bike and he has a very short attention span. Of course, when I am frustrated, it makes him have no fun at all, and then he just gets worse and worse, and then I just get more and more frustrated. I think it is just like a catch 22. Nobody wins! Anyway, I think this is something I may have to delegate to his father. Gosh I hope the neighbors didn't witness my pitiful teaching attempt today!