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Friday, October 14, 2011

Dotty's one!

So, here is Dotty Lou and her beautiful cousin Adalyn. Kellianne got both of them these ballerina bathing suits for their birthdays. I think she may wear it everyday! So adorable!

Also, we always try to give our kids a box full of tissue on their first birthday. It is the best present in the world for a one-year-old. They are simply amazed that each time they pull one out, another one pops up. It's cheap, amusing, and when they are done, we just shove the tissues back in the box and use them for boogery noses. By the way, this idea was also compliments of Kellianne. Trust me; all my good ideas are stolen.

For the cake, we made Grandma Brown's famous chocolate marshmallow filled angel food cake: a Fox family favorite. Dot dove right in like it was old hat. I'm sure she has had a lot more cake than Gus had at her age. That's just the way things happen.

Now that she is one, she has taken up a few bad habbits, like unrolling the toilet paper, drinking baby shampoo, climbing on the table and the kitchen counter, and opening the doors. She just started walking, and I always forget how cute that is!

And she spends all day texting on the new cell phone that we got her for her birthday. I swear, kids just seem to grow up faster these days. Pretty soon, we'll be shopping for prom dresses!

1 comment:

Ironygirl said...

Drinking baby shampoo, now that's a new one! And I may have to steal the Kleenex idea for Jamen.