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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My 5 year old man

So Gus turned 5 back in February, and I always thought moms with 5 year olds were old. What the heck? I'm not old, but I do have a five year old son. I just keep thinking. I am already 1/4 of the way done with the time I have to be responsible for him. Anyway, we had a kickin party, complete with pulling off my couch cushions and jumping on them. I really didn't plan much, so the kids made their own fun.

Here is Gus eating breakfast in bed. Him and his dad ate in bed together because they share a birthday. Isn't that cool that our oldest son was born on Paul's birthday, and he is named after him (Gus's full name is Paul Augustus Fox)
Here are some of the super fun kids at the party. I love all these kids. What a great day!

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